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Indata ce SpeedBox este instalat si functional, opriti update-urile software de orice fel la sistemul electric al bicicletei! In cazul in care faceti un update la software-ul bicicletei iar SpeedBox nu mai poate fi activat dupa, acesta nu va fi inlocuit in garantie!
Produsele SpeedBox pentru Bosch, produse dupa 2024, contin un modul FBL ce se poate reprograma la producator. In cazul in care detineti un astfel de SpeedBox si actualizati software-ul bicicletei, acesta impiedicand ulterior activarea SpeedBoxului, il puteti trimite catre producator pentru actualizare software contra unui cost de 59EUR (fara TVA) + transport.
De asemenea, fiind vorba de un produs Chip-Tuning, garantia bicicletei electrice este anulata dupa montaj.
După terminarea călătoriei, lăsați bicicleta pornită, până când se afișează valoarea de 0,0 km/h. În timpul acestui proces, timpul rămas va fi afișat. Nu scoateți afișajul și nu opriți bicicleta electrică până când SpeedBox nu încheie procesul de „numărare inversă”.
The tuning with Bluetooth technology and mobile app for your e-bike with Bosch Gen4 motor and Smart System. Enjoy your unlimited ride and all the great functions that our SpeedBox App has to offer.
SpeedBox 1.1 B.Tuning for Bosch brings a unique connection of e-bike and mobile phone and suppresses the speed limiter on your e-bike.
The actual speed and other riding data will be displayed correctly in our SpeedBox App - right on the display of your phone.
How does SpeedBox 1.1 B.Tuning for Bosch work?
To activate all the functions of the SpeedBox correctly, it is necessary to enter the menu after the first switching on of the e-bike after the tuning installation and switch to the circumference of the wheel of your e-bike.
Activate/deactivate the tuning before the ride (when the e-bike is standing still), not during riding!
This tuning is also easy to control. You will activate SpeedBox 1.1 B.Tuning via mobile app or directly on your e-bike’s control unit by activating the WALK assist function shortly (holding down the “-” button). Your e-bike display will show a value of 3.5 km/h (2.2 mph) and from now on you will be able to ride up to 35 km/h or more. You may change the default speed limit to any limit you want (up to 99 kph), however, to minimize the risk of error codes, we recommend not to exceed 35 km/h.
To deactivate the tuning, activate the WALK assist function shortly again (by holding down the “-” button). Your e-bike display will show a value of 2.5 km/h (1.6 mph) and the speed limit will be reset to 25 km/h. Your e-bike will then work the same as before the tuning installation.
SpeedBox was also designed for e-bikes that do not have the WALK assist function enabled, or activated. In this case, you can activate/deactivate tuning by switching between two assistance modes twice, i.e. by pressing the - + - + buttons.
When you first open the SpeedBox App, you will be asked to type in a new PIN. This PIN will be requested each time you open the SpeedBox App. After confirming the PIN, you will be asked to set a service password. Your service password will be used in case you forget the PIN or want to change it.
You can set the maximum speed limit by switching the modes from TURBO mode three levels down and then three levels up: eMTB - TOUR+ - ECO - TOUR+ - eMTB - TURBO. An actual speed limit will be displayed after that. The maximum speed of an electric assistance can be switched by activating/deactivating WALK assist function shortly or by turning the rear wheel 360°. The value of 2.5 km/h on the display corresponds with the limit of 25 km/h, 3.0 corresponds with 30 km/h, 3.5 corresponds with 35 km/h etc. The last displayed limit will be saved after 15 seconds of inactivity.
After finishing the ride, leave the bike on after finishing the ride until a value of 0.0 km/h is displayed. During this process the remaining time will be displayed. Then it is safe to turn off your bike and you can start looking forward to your next trip. Do not remove the display to lock the e-bike until SpeedBox finishes the "countdown" process.
SpeedBox App for SpeedBox 1.1 B.Tuning
SpeedBox App is an application specially designed for SpeedBox B.Tuning products. It uses Bluetooth technology to connect your e-bike to your mobile application. After downloading the application and connecting your mobile phone to your e-bike you will see current data and trip parameters displayed on your mobile phone. Individual trips can be stored so that the results can be compared with friends and together they can monitor their performance. So just enjoy the ride and leave checking the parameters for later!
SpeedBox App features:
- Tuning control
- Speed limit setting
- Saving and viewing your trips
- Invisible mode
- Motor diagnostics
SpeedBox B.Tuning is not limited to working with SpeedBox App. However, it is a great tool that will provide you with a complete overview of your performances.
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